pity or admiration?
I bumped into one's website at http://closetkapellmeister.blogspot.com/. It is interesting that the author felt very sorry for married-to-women gay men that ended up establishing a family.
Will it be controversial if i say that I rather admire those married men (who are Christian)?
I believe they do struggle like you and me. And they surely realise of their incapabilities and weaknesses. But these men choose to live the rest of their lives in total submission to God's grace that enable them to love their wives and God's blessing of children (if any). For the Bible reminds us that Christ's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.
Of course marriage is not everyone's calling. Some gay-oriented Christian may choose to stay single and devote more time for God's service. Yet, God may allow others to get married to women who can understand and are willing to accept their husbands and support them in whatever situation and condition.
The journey will not be easy, for sure, but it is not impossible.
May God help us.